9 Expense Management Best Practices for 2024

In 2024, the way companies handle travel and expenses will undergo a major shift due to the advent of new technology such as AI, Blockchain, and predictive analytics. Maintaining efficiency and sound finances in a business requires compelling expense management.

From establishing clear policies to leveraging advanced software solutions, here are nine indispensable strategies to optimise expense management in 2024.

1. Expense Policy Establishment

Clarity is crucial in expense management. An effective policy provides clear guidelines for spending within an organisation. It specifies allowable expenses, spending limitations, approval procedures, and documentation needs. This framework ensures consistency, accountability, and compliance across all levels.

Many organisations are adopting automated expense management software to enforce policy adherence. These solutions streamline the entire expense management lifecycle, from submission to reimbursement. 

Data entry, receipt processing, and policy enforcement are automated, reducing administrative burdens while improving accuracy and efficiency. This lets employees concentrate on more productive tasks, boosting productivity and operational excellence.

2. Pre-Approval Procedures

Pre-approval adds control and oversight to expense management. To maintain compliance with corporate standards and avoid overspending, we mandate that staff obtain consent before making any purchases. This proactive approach empowers managers to review and authorise expenses in advance, reducing the risk of unauthorised expenditures and budgetary discrepancies.

Pre-approval processes also encourage openness and financial accountability. Employees become more mindful of their spending, considering the company’s financial health. This promotes an attitude of responsibility and ownership, where everyone contributes to resource conservation and sustainable growth.

3. Employ Automated Expense Management Software

Automated expense management software transforms organisations’ financial processes. It automates expense submission, approval workflows, receipt processing, and reimbursement, reducing manual data entry and processing time and freeing resources for strategic tasks.

The software enhances accuracy and compliance by enforcing company expense policies and flagging errors or violations in real time. Some of them can even support Netsuite integration to further enhance and streamline the financial management of a company. This proactive approach helps maintain financial integrity and mitigate risks.

Additionally, stakeholders can see expense data right away to make better decisions and plan strategically. Managers can check detailed reports and analytics to follow spending patterns, find chances to save money and improve budgets.

4. Streamlining Expense Reporting

Streamlining the expense reporting process simplifies data collection, submission, and review, leading to faster reimbursements and improved accuracy. Modern expense management solutions offer intuitive interfaces and mobile apps that enable employees to capture receipts, categorise expenses, and submit reports effortlessly. 

Automatic workflows send expense reports to the right people for approval, eliminating delays and lessening administrative work. By simplifying expense reporting, organisations can work better and concentrate on important plans.

5. Consolidating Travel and Expense Management

Integrating travel and expense management offers cost savings and efficiency. Centralising bookings and expenses streamlines tracking and reimbursement. This makes administrative jobs easier and gives a clearer view of travel expenses, facilitating decision-making and vendor negotiation.

Consolidation also promotes cohesive resource allocation and budget optimisation. Aligning travel expenditures with business objectives prioritises investments and enhances agility. Ultimately, this approach maximises the value of travel expenditures while minimising costs and administrative overhead.

6. Automated Expense Auditing

Vigilance is crucial in detecting discrepancies and ensuring compliance. Automated auditing tools use advanced algorithms to scrutinise real-time expense reports, flagging errors and policy violations. This proactive approach safeguards financial integrity and enhances transparency and accountability.

Automated auditing reduces internal auditors’ burden by automating routine tasks and identifying anomalies for review. This improves audit efficiency and accuracy, helping organisations reduce risks and better use their resources.

7. Timely Reimbursements

Prompt reimbursement is essential for maintaining morale and trust. Delays can impact productivity and satisfaction. Establishing clear reimbursement timelines and implementing automated processes expedite payments and reduce administrative overhead.

Clear communication of reimbursement policies and procedures helps streamline the process and minimise delays. Prompt reimbursement demonstrates a commitment to employee satisfaction and fosters a positive work environment.

8. Utilising Corporate Credit Cards

Corporate credit cards offer convenience and control in expense management. Issuing cards to employees streamline payments and provides better expense tracking. Features like spending limits and real-time monitoring enhance control and visibility.

Corporate cards can optimise cash flow management by consolidating expenses and offering rewards. However, robust controls are necessary to prevent misuse. Setting spending limits, defining usage policies, and conducting regular audits mitigate risks and ensure responsible use.

9. Analysing Expense Data

Data analysis informs decision-making and strategic planning. Regular analysis helps identify trends, cost drivers, and areas for improvement. Analytics software and reporting solutions offer information on spending habits and opportunities for optimisation.

For example, analysis may reveal opportunities to negotiate better pricing or consolidate vendors. It can also highlight areas of overspending, prompting cost-saving measures. Regular analysis empowers organisations to make informed decisions and improve financial management.


Organisations seeking long-term success in 2024’s competitive environment must manage expenses efficiently. By adopting the nine best practices detailed in this guide, businesses can streamline processes, boost transparency, and improve financial efficiency.