Parts & Labor – New work by Nemo Gould

This October the On-Sight Project is thrilled to announce a rare solo exhibition by Oakland kinetic sculptor Nemo Gould. His first solo show in many years, Parts & Labor includes several new never before shown works.

On view now through November 12th.
Open Fridays 10am-2pm,
Saturdays 1-4pm and by appointment.

This collection of intricate mechanical sculptures promises a journey of exploration into the whimsical yet precise detail of Gould’s interior world. A former Artist in Residence at Recology San Francisco, he draws from a meticulously organized and extensive collection of salvaged parts and electronics to create his art. Engrossed in a multi-decade relationship with obsolescence and redemption, the artist acts as a catalyst engaged in a sort of design anthropology integrating and activating fragments of industrial history to create works that live in our hearts and inspire us to imagine.

Offering an oddly romantic glimpse into the internal drive of machine psychology, the works reimagine obscure industrial design with care and reverence for the objects incorporated. Seemingly intelligent and self-aware, Gould’s anthropomorphized characters are destined to repeat the actions that define them through endless mechanical repetition. Diverging from a well trodden genre of fetishized vintage sci-fi, these works are neither depictions nor collages but museums in and of themselves, paying tribute to the evolution of technology and its cultural counterparts in literature and comics. Gould earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the Kansas City Art Institute in 1998, and his Master of Fine Arts degree at U.C. Berkeley in 2000. He is a founding member of Applied Kinetic Arts Collective and Lost & Foundry studios in Oakland, CA. His work was recently featured on Discovery VR and is shown in galleries and museums throughout the U.S. and abroad.

The On-Sight Project is a mobile pop-up venue converting vacant commercial real estate into exhibition space for contemporary art. We seek to pair donated locations with local artists working with non-traditional media and/or methods. Parts & Labor By Nemo Gould Curated by Anja Ulfeldt