5 reasons to study communications 

So, you’re looking for a subject to study for your degree and you’re considering communications. Good choice! There are plenty of benefits to studying for a communications degree, and it can set you up for success in the future. Keep reading for five reasons why communications might be the degree for you, and why you should choose it over the rest of the courses at your disposal. 

  1. You’ll learn applicable skills for a range of jobs and careers

Modern businesses will be looking for graduates who are adaptable and clued into the most up-to-date technology, so they can spend less time training them and more time getting on with the job at hand. Your communications degree will give you a wide range of skills that the job market finds appealing, such as the use of Final Cut Pro and InDesign. Most communications degrees will also have a heavy emphasis on social media, which will open up a whole new set of opportunities in social media marketing. 

The skills you learn in communications will stick with you for the rest of your life, and even if you want to change career paths and head into a new industry altogether, the skills from this degree will help you fit right in. Communications is one of the best degrees to choose if you’re still not completely set on what your future entails. 

  1. You can combine your courses

Communications is an adaptable course, and you can often combine it with another subject to earn a dual honours degree. This gives you the benefit of being able to combine your passion for communications with another subject that you’re interested in, keeping more doors open for your future career. 

For example, you could study communications with media studies if you know you want to head into the media industry, or you could opt for something like sociology or politics to hone your skills in two completely different areas. A benefit to doing this is that, if you wanted to apply for a job in politics, you might stand out thanks to your prior communications training and beat out the other candidates on that merit. 

  1. You don’t need any prior experience 

Your school life before university won’t have trained you for a communications degree as this is not a subject currently offered in schools. Unlike subjects like Maths or Science, you won’t be expected to get the top grades to be accepted onto a communications course, because the university will have no way of measuring your prior experience. This can take a lot of pressure off of the application process, as most universities will accept a high overall score after your senior secondary exams. 

This is a great opportunity if you’re someone who might not get the best grades in subjects like English and Maths, because you won’t feel disheartened if you don’t get the best grade or you mess up an exam. 

  1. You can choose how and when you study

Communications is one of the more flexible areas of study because it gives you the freedom to get out there and learn from hands-on experiences. Many past students have found that communications really helped them earn their degree without being confined to lecture halls and libraries all day, so it’s a good option if you know you won’t work well in these environments. 

Alternatively, studying communications online is a great alternative for when you need to study around a busy schedule or on a part-time basis. Thanks to its subject matter, you can pick it up whenever you have time to work on your studies. More academic studies, such as science, might not be as flexible. 

  1. You’ll learn valuable social skills that can be applied in the industry

Companies looking to hire graduates are often going to look for the fundamentals as well as your degree. Social skills are one of the best things a candidate can have, as it makes you stand out from the rest. A communications degree, unsurprisingly, is a great way to learn social skills that can be applied to almost any career path in the future! 

Final thoughts

As you can see, communications is a wonderful option for students who want to learn valuable skills that can be applied in real-world situations, such as social media marketing and communicating with others. It’s one of the more flexible courses and doesn’t always require strict exam results to be accepted, so we often recommend it for people who aren’t one hundred percent sure what career they want to pursue just yet. Good luck!