The Ultimate Guide to Shoe Tree

shoe tree

Shoe tree are must-haves for shoe enthusiasts who value their footwear’s condition. When not in use, these custom-made inserts may be slipped into your shoes to keep them in shape and dry out any sweat.

History of Shoe Tree

The concept of using shoe trees dates back centuries, with evidence of their use found in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Rome. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that modern shoe trees became popular, coinciding with the rise of mass-produced footwear.

Importance of Using Shoe Trees

Shoe trees serve several important purposes. Firstly, they help shoes retain their shape, preventing them from becoming misshapen or developing creases. Additionally, they absorb moisture and odor, keeping shoes fresh and dry between wears.

Types of Shoe Tree

There are several types of shoe trees available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cedar Shoe Trees: Cedar shoe trees are popular due to their natural ability to absorb moisture and odor. They also have a pleasant scent that helps keep shoes smelling fresh.

Plastic Shoe Trees: Plastic shoe trees are lightweight and affordable, making them a popular choice for casual footwear. However, they may not be as effective at absorbing moisture as cedar shoe trees.

Spring Shoe Trees: Spring shoe trees feature a metal spring mechanism that expands to fit the shoe. They are adjustable and suitable for a wide range of shoe sizes.

How to Use Shoe Trees Properly

Using shoe trees correctly is essential to maximize their effectiveness. Simply insert the shoe trees into the shoes when they are not being worn, making sure they fill the toe area snugly. For best results, leave the shoe trees in place for at least 24 hours between wears.

Benefits of Using Shoe Trees

The benefits of using shoe trees extend beyond preserving the shape and freshness of shoes. They also help prolong the lifespan of footwear by reducing the likelihood of cracks and deformities. Additionally, they make it easier to maintain a polished appearance, as creases and wrinkles are less likely to form.

Shoe Tree Maintenance Tips

To ensure your shoe trees remain effective, it’s important to maintain them properly. Regularly inspect them for any signs of wear or damage, and replace them as needed. Additionally, consider lightly sanding cedar shoe trees occasionally to refresh their scent and absorbency.

DIY Shoe Trees

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, DIY shoe trees can be made using household items such as rolled-up newspapers or empty plastic bottles. While not as effective as commercial shoe trees, they can still help maintain the shape of shoes in a pinch.

Shoe Trees for Different Types of Shoes

Different types of shoes require different types of shoe trees to ensure proper fit and support.

Leather Shoes: Leather shoes benefit from cedar shoe trees, which help absorb moisture and maintain their shape.

Sneakers: Plastic or spring shoe trees are suitable for sneakers, as they provide lightweight support without stretching the material.

Boots: Boot trees are specially designed to support the shaft of boots and prevent them from collapsing or developing wrinkles.

Where to Buy Shoe Trees

Shoe trees can be purchased from a variety of retailers, including shoe stores, department stores, and online retailers. Be sure to choose shoe trees that are appropriate for the type and size of shoes you own.


For those who value their shoes’ original form and want to keep them in pristine condition, shoe trees are must-have accessories. Shoe trees are an easy method to keep your shoes looking great for a long time and perhaps increase their longevity.


How often should I use shoe trees?

It’s recommended to use shoe trees whenever shoes are not being worn, ideally after each wear.

Can I use the same shoe trees for different pairs of shoes?

While it’s possible to use the same shoe trees for multiple pairs of shoes, it’s best to have dedicated shoe trees for each pair to ensure proper fit and support.

Do shoe trees work for all types of shoes?

Shoe trees are most effective for shoes made from materials such as leather or suede. They may not be as beneficial for shoes made from synthetic materials.

How do I clean shoe trees?

Cedar shoe trees can be lightly sanded to refresh their scent and absorbency. Plastic shoe trees can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.

Can I use shoe trees in wet shoes?

It’s best to allow wet shoes to dry naturally before inserting shoe trees to avoid trapping moisture inside.